Electronic Lighthouse Flasher Circuit - Very Bright
adjustable rate -auto off during the day

This circuit board is designed to add a realistic flashing light to your lighthouse.  It uses a very bright 10 watt Halogen bulb and a sophisticated microcontroller to accurately simulate the light emitted by a rotating lighthouse beacon.
A potentiometer on the circuit board allows you to adjust the time between flashes from 3 to about 60 seconds.
An optional light sensor can be used so that the light is only activated after dark.

A 12 volt power supply is included, all you add is your lighthouse!

The buy-it-now price includes free shipping to US addresses.

LEDs can be substituted for the Halogen lamp and custom programming is available.

This video shows the circuit installed in a small lighthouse This video demonstrates that the light will not work if the light sensor is sensing light.  Note that the light will run continuously if the sensor is pulled from its socket.


In the photo below the rate adjust pot is in the lower right.  Turn it with a small screwdriver.  All the way to the left (counter clockwise) gives a 3 second delay.  All the way to the right (clockwise) gives a bit over 1 minute between flashes.  The wire at the upper left goes to the power supply.  The wire in the lower left goes to the bulb and the wire to the right goes to the light sensor.

Here is another view of the board.  Note that some components are not used on this board leaving empty holes.

The Halogen bulb is shown in its ceramic socket.  The light sensor is at the bottom.  If it is plugged into the socket the light will not work until the sensor is dark.  If you want the lighthouse to flash during the day just remove the sensor.