
Raspberry Pi - Temperature Data Logger / Grapher
revised 01-25-2013  d. bodnar


I have been working with the Raspberry Pi for a few months and have had a great time experimenting.  See my other page of notes on the Pi here.

My current project is to use the Pi as a data logger that will read temperature data from one or more DS18B20 temperature sensors.  This data will be recorded to a file and periodically graphed and posted on the Internet.  I have also begun expanding this work to reading humidity.  My notes are here.

GNUPlot, a command line graphing program, will be used to produce the graphs.

Sample graphs (may be up-to-date or not depending on what I am doing to them) can be seen by clinking on this link.

I have also been working on a Temperature / Humidity grapher - notes re here:




Initial Installation
Install 2012-09-18-wheezy-raspbian and use the integrated options to set keyboard, locale, time zone, keyboard, over clock, SSH and updates. 
It can be downloaded here: http://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads

I had to redo the keyboard layout - see: http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=9136  (reboot after)

Restart and test SSH (using Putty)  - SSH will allow you to access the Pi from a desktop or laptop computer - very convenient!

Set up for static IP address (I used - see:  http://www.stuffaboutcode.com/2012/05/raspberry-pi-setting-static-ip-address.html

Install Python (if needed) - note:  ver 2.7.3rc2 May 2012 was already on my installation

Set up Samba - see: http://cymplecy.wordpress.com/2012/08/08/treating-a-raspberrypi-as-just-another-windows-machine-4-2/    don't forget to set password:   sudo smbpasswd -a pi and to change the Samba name to something more specific, especially if you have more than one Pi on your network

I also like to change the name of the Pi so that it is easier to identify.  See: http://www.simonthepiman.com/how_to_rename_my_raspberry_pi.php

Reading DS18B20s
Follow information here: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/freshers/raspberrypi/tutorials/temperature/index.html

Basically you connect the DS18B20's three pins to ground, + 3.3 volts and GPIO #4 - note that other GPIO pins will NOT work.

Pin 1 goes to ground, pin 2 to GPIO #4 and pin 3 to + 3.3 volts

Don't forget the 4.7K resistor between pins 3 and 2!

This photo shows four of my sensors.  Each has been soldered to a 3 pin header to facilitate connecting them to the main cables.  The sensor at the right has a 1/8 watt 4.7K ohm resistor between pins 2 and 3.  The sensor at the left has a surface mount resistor between pins 2 and 3.  The small section of heat shrink tubing insulates the connections and allows me to label the sensors with the last two digits of their hex serial number.  I installed a 4.7K ohm resistor on each sensor while I was experimenting but only ONE resistor is needed for any group of sensors that are wired in parallel.

The connectors that I plug the sensors into are meant to be used as servo extension cables and are available here:  http://dx.com/p/300mm-3-pin-servo-leads-connection-extension-cables-10-pack-11985  - note that the wires can be rearranged in the plugs by gently prying up the plastic lock on each wire and pulling the wire and connector out and reinserting in the proper position - I redid them so that red was at one end, black at the other and white in the middle.

Here the wires have been moved to match the pins on the sensor.

It is important to note that a number of sensors can be wired in parallel to the same three pins on the Pi.  My house sensor setup has eight DS18B20s wired together.  The length of the connecting wire is quite long as sensors go outside, to the garage, to the basement, first & second floor as well as to the input and output pipes on our how water furnace and the hot water heater.  There is in excess of 80 feet of wire in this setup.  The wires to the four pond sensors go outside through a 100 foot long piece of cat 5 Ethernet cable.

From the Pi's terminal make sure you run
sudo modprobe w1-gpio
sudo modprobe w1-therm

and check directory -
cd /sys/bus/w1/devices/

NOTE: You have to run this pair of commands each time you reboot to reestablish the sensor directories!

Under that directory (/sys/bus/w1/devices/) you should see a folder for each DS18B20 by serial number like this:


The four directories are for the four sensors that I had connected when I ran w1-gpio and w1-therm.  If you use more or fewer sensors you will see a different number of directories.

On my system I store the graph files from the temperature readings on my existing web page.  To get the updated graph files to the web server I use FTP - if you plan on doing something similar follows these steps otherwise they can be skipped.

Install Curl:  sudo apt-get install curl

Curl will allow you to upload the graph files to an on-line server.  You could also install Apache and view them directly from the Pi's web server.

The command below will upload a file called "last150.gif" to a directory on my web server.  "u35664817" is the login name and "password" is the password

curl -u u35664817:password ftp://davebodnar.com/public_html/DGB/pond/temperature/ -T last150.gif

Notes on how to call curl from within PYTHON are here: http://www.raspberrypi.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=16958&p=174670

The commands that I used within Python are shown here:

import os # Import the os library

os.system("curl -u u35664817:password ftp://davebodnar.com/public_html/DGB/pond/temperature/ -T last150.gif")
Sample data file segment (houseout.txt)for 8 sensors
format is date    time    t 1   t 2   t 3  t 4  t5  t6  t7  t8

09-28-2012 08:09:20 73.51 58.21 63.95 83.53 72.84 72.61 73.06 72.50
09-28-2012 08:14:28 73.51 58.33 63.84 83.30 72.72 72.61 73.06 72.39
09-28-2012 08:19:37 73.40 58.55 63.84 83.30 72.84 72.61 73.06 72.50
09-28-2012 08:24:45 73.29 58.33 63.84 83.97 72.84 72.61 73.06 72.50
09-28-2012 08:29:53 73.40 58.44 63.84 83.53 72.84 72.61 73.06 72.50

Four Files Make It All Happen
My implementation of temperature logging uses four files.  The first Python file, called 8House.py, reads the eight DS18B20 sensors that are scattered around the house and logs their readings to a text file called houseout.txt.  A snippet from this file is shown in the previous section.  This file is updated and new data is appended every five minutes.  Next the Python file calls GnuPlot, a command line graph creating program.  To download GnuPlot type the following from a terminal on the Pi:

sudo apt-get install gnuplot 8House.plt

The Python file calles GnuPlot using the script file at the end and the graph (house.gif) is sent to the server via FTP using curl.

A second set of programs, 8House300.py and house300.plt, are used to generate a second house graph that is composed of only the last 300 readings, representing about 1500 minutes or about one day.  You will note that the 8House300.py program also sends the two text files (houseout.txt and houseout300.txt) to the web server so that they are available for web access.

Complete PYTHON File - new version for eight sensors
#version 8House.py

def makeTemp(_serialnum):
   for i in range(5):
        tfile= open(filename)
        text = tfile.read()
        secondline = text.split("\n")[1]
        temperaturedata= secondline.split(" ")[9]
        temperature = float(temperaturedata[2:])
        temperature = temperature / 1000
        global fahrenheit
        fahrenheit = temperature * 9 / 5 + 32
        fahrenheit = ("%.2f" % fahrenheit)
        firstline = text
        ccrrcc = firstline.split(" ")[11]
        ccrrcc = (ccrrcc[:3]) #take only first 3 characters
        global noflag
        noflag = 0
        if ccrrcc == 'YES':
                ### print 'is YES ',
            print ' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO'
            print _serialnum
        noflag = 1

def dotime():
        import datetime
        global timestring
        timestring = now.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S")

#do this once to reestablish folders after reboot
import os
os.system("sudo modprobe w1-gpio")
os.system("sudo modprobe w1-therm")

while True:
        import time
        makeTemp ("28-0000027b73c2/w1_slave") #basement C2
        temp1=" " + str(fahrenheit)+ " "
        makeTemp ("28-00000383d1ee/w1_slave") #Ambient EE
        temp2=str(fahrenheit) + " "
        makeTemp ("28-00000221156d/w1_slave") #1st Floor 6D
        temp3=" " + str(fahrenheit)+ " "
        makeTemp ("28-00000272504e/w1_slave") #Furnace 2 4e
        temp4=str(fahrenheit) + " "
        makeTemp ("28-0000027baea0/w1_slave") #Hot H2O heater A0
        temp5=str(fahrenheit) + " "
        makeTemp ("28-00000383ddf0/w1_slave") #Furnace 1 F0
        temp6=str(fahrenheit) + " "
        makeTemp ("10-0008004c1266/w1_slave") #2nd Floor 66
        temp7=str(fahrenheit) + " "
        makeTemp ("10-0008004c041e/w1_slave") #Garage 1E
        temp8=str(fahrenheit) + " "
        timestring = timestring + temp1 + temp2 + temp3 + temp4 + temp5 + temp6 + temp7 + temp8 ## + temp9 + temp10 + temp11 + temp12
        print "hex numbers = C2 7B 18 48 6D 4E A0 F0 66 1E"
        print "time string = ",timestring
        fo.write ("\n")
        import os
        os.system("gnuplot 8House.plt")
        print "graph 1 generated"
        os.system("curl -u u35664817:pwpwpw ftp://place.com/public_html/DGB/pond/temperature/ -T house.gif")
        print "file transferred"
        for i in range(300): #about 5 minutes

The GNUPlot file is here:   - new version for eight sensors
set terminal gif small size 900, 968 transparent# x000000
set output "last150.gif"
set time
#set size 1.0,0.500
set y2tics
set grid
set title "Pond and House Temperatures - Test Graph - Revision coming soon" # 0.000000,0.000000  "";
set ylabel "Degrees Fahrenheit" # 0.000000,0.000000  ""
set xlabel "\n15 Minute Observations"
set key below
plot 'graphout.txt' using 3 title "Basement" with lines,\
     'graphout.txt' using 5 title "Pond" with lines,\
     'graphout.txt' using 6 title "Pi CPU" with lines,\
     'graphout.txt' using 4 title "Ambient" with lines\
     'graphout.txt' using 7 title "New1" with lines\
     'graphout.txt' using 8 title "New2" with lines\
     'graphout.txt' using 9 title "New3" with lines\
     'graphout.txt' using 10 title "New4" with lines
set output


Complete PYTHON File - new version for eight sensors
#version 8House300.py

def makeTemp(_serialnum):
    for i in range(5):
        tfile= open(filename)
        text = tfile.read()
        secondline = text.split("\n")[1]
        temperaturedata= secondline.split(" ")[9]
        temperature = float(temperaturedata[2:])
        temperature = temperature / 1000
        global fahrenheit
        fahrenheit = temperature * 9 / 5 + 32
        fahrenheit = ("%.2f" % fahrenheit)
        firstline = text
        ccrrcc = firstline.split(" ")[11]
        ccrrcc = (ccrrcc[:3]) #take only first 3 characters
        global noflag
        noflag = 0
        if ccrrcc == 'YES':
            print ' NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO'
            print _serialnum
            noflag = 1

def dotime():
        import datetime
        global timestring
        timestring = now.strftime("%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S")

#do this once to reestablish folders after reboot
import os
os.system("sudo modprobe w1-gpio")
os.system("sudo modprobe w1-therm")

while True:
        import time

        makeTemp ("28-0000027b73c2/w1_slave") #basement C2
        temp1=" " + str(fahrenheit)+ " "
        makeTemp ("28-00000383d1ee/w1_slave") #Ambient EE
        temp2=str(fahrenheit) + " "
        makeTemp ("28-00000221156d/w1_slave") #1st Floor 6D
        temp3=" " + str(fahrenheit)+ " "
        makeTemp ("28-00000272504e/w1_slave") #Furnace 2 4e
        temp4=str(fahrenheit) + " "
        makeTemp ("28-0000027baea0/w1_slave") #Hot H2O heater A0
        temp5=str(fahrenheit) + " "
        makeTemp ("28-00000383ddf0/w1_slave") #Furnace 1 F0
        temp6=str(fahrenheit) + " "
        makeTemp ("10-0008004c1266/w1_slave") #2nd Floor 66
        temp7=str(fahrenheit) + " "
        makeTemp ("10-0008004c041e/w1_slave") #Garage 1E
        temp8=str(fahrenheit) + " "

        timestring = timestring + temp1 + temp2 + temp3 + temp4 + temp5 + temp6 + temp7 + temp8 ## + temp9 + temp10 + temp11 + temp12
        print "hex numbers = C2 7B 18 48 6D 4E A0 F0 66 1E"
        print "time string = ",timestring
        fo.write ("\n")
        import os
        os.system("gnuplot 8House.plt")
        print "graph 1 generated"
        os.system("curl -u u35664817:pwpwpw ftp://place.com/public_html/DGB/pond/temperature/ -T house.gif")
        print "file transferred"

        #create file of newest 300 readings
        filename = 'houseout.txt'
        file = open(filename)
        lines = 0
        for line in file:
        lines += 1
        print '%r has %r lines' % (filename, lines)
        print "did we get to here?"
        currentline = 0

        input = open("houseout.txt","r")
        output = open("houseout300.txt","w")

        while currentline < lines:
        currentline = currentline + 1
            print currentline," ",lines-300, " ", lines
            item = input.readline()
        if currentline > (lines-300):
            print "writing item " ,item
        print "all done"

        os.system("gnuplot 8House300.plt")
        print "graph 2 generated"
        os.system("curl -u u35664817:pwpwpw ftp://place.com/public_html/DGB/pond/temperature/ -T house300.gif")
        print "file 2 (house300.gif) transferred"
        os.system("curl -u u35664817:pwpwpw ftp://plaace.com/public_html/DGB/pond/temperature/ -T houseout.txt")
        print "file 3 (houseout.txt) transferred"
        os.system("curl -u u35664817:pwpwpw ftp://place.com/public_html/DGB/pond/temperature/ -T houseout300.txt")
        print "file 4 (houseout300.txt) transferred"

        print "Sleeping for 5 minutes"
        for i in range(300): #about 5 minutes

The GNUPlot file is here:   - new version for eight sensors and 300 latest readings

set terminal gif small size 640, 480 transparent# x000000
set output "house300.gif"
set time

set xtics rotate
set xdata time
set timefmt "%m-%d-%Y %H:%M"

#set size 1.0,0.500
#set xtics ("11/21\n12:00"57,"11/22\n18:30"114,"11/23\n23:00"171,"11/25\n03:30"228,"11/26\n08:00"285,"11/27\n12:30"342,"11/28\n17:00"399,"11/29\n21:30"456,"12/01\n02:00"513,"12/02\n07:00"570)
set y2tics
set grid
set title "House Temperatures - Eight Sensors" # 0.000000,0.000000 "";
set ylabel "Degrees Fahrenheit" # 0.000000,0.000000 ""
set xlabel "\n5 Minute Observations"
#plot 'c:\gnuplot\alldata.txt' using 5 title "Ambient" with lines, 'c:\gnuplot\alldata.txt' using 4 title "Main 12" with lines, 'c:\gnuplot\alldata.txt' using 3 title "Bog 6" with lines, 'c:\gnuplot\alldata.txt' using 6 title "Main 32" with lines
set key below
plot 'houseout300.txt' using 1:3 title "Basement" with lines,\
    'houseout300.txt' using 1:4 title "Ambient" with lines,\
    'houseout300.txt' using 1:5 title "1st Floor" with lines,\
    'houseout300.txt' using 1:8 title "Furnace1" with lines,\
    'houseout300.txt' using 1:9 title "2nd Floor" with lines,\
    'houseout300.txt' using 1:6 title "Furnace 2" with lines,\
    'houseout300.txt' using 1:10 title "Garage" with lines,\
    'houseout300.txt' using 1:7 title "H2O Heater" with lines
set output




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